
Postcards for sale
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Payment options (in order of preference):
  • Crypto (all crypto supported)
  • Skrill
  • Paypal
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  • eBay listing
Please make me your best offer by email (ontiscal @ yahoo .it) if you are interested in one or multiple postcards.
Please consider, making the offer, that standard envelope shipping is included free of charge worldwide.

As alternative I can send any blank postcard as postcard, applying an italian stamp in euro (1,3eur for EU/2,45eur outside EU).
You can customize, apart the destination address, also the message on the left of side (offensive content not allowed).
It can be a good gift or an interesting joke to a friend.
I can send high-res postcard images by email for all the postcards listed in the website; a donation is required:
Paypal Donation
You will receive the scanned postcard (front and back) by email without any sponsor text.
Please insert the postcard filename in the note. Contact me if you want more than one image.
Contact me for any details and for ordering.
ontiscal @ yahoo .it
+39 347 0888812 via Whatsapp